I feel pain in the waist on 24 June 2012. And quickly went to the doctor's. The doctor examined my body and medicine. Check
the name of the medicine and the material.
CRP report |
Hematology report |
Random blood sugar and CUS report |
Renal Function S. Uric Acid report |
Serum Calcium report |
X-ray report |
But the pain
had been. I've been carrying this pain for the last 1 year.
My life and
I am on the
computer every day, continuously 16 hours a day. Most of the time night work and i go to sleep during the
day. I had never been
hurt but since this is a pain in my marriage. I’m marriage person and age 23
years. Please give me a drug.
I’m waiting for your good advice.
25 July 2012
Tab: Ostocal D: http://www.skfbd.com/products.php?product_id=94
26 June 2013
Tab: Qrip 100mg : http://www.bddrugstore.com/home/130117-qrip-100mg-tablet.html
Tab: Myolax 50: http://www.inceptapharma.com/view-product.php?pid=82
Cap: Pregaba 75mg: http://www.opsonin.com/viewdata2.php
Tab: Ostocal D: http://www.skfbd.com/products.php?product_id=94
Tab: Esoral 40mg: http://www.skfbd.com/products.php?product_id=32
No good result but the
pain had been. I've been carrying this pain for the last 1 year.